Mr. Ben’s Music: Musical Immersion for Children 0-6

      Session Songbooks include all the words, melodies, and chords for each of our 8-week sessions.

$35 (PDF or hard copy)

      The Mr. Ben Songbook is a comnilation of all of your favourite Mr. Ben songs, complete with lyrics and guitar chords, & with alternate tunings and bespoke (read: unorthodox) Mr. Ben chords explained.


Beautiful Day, I Like the Rhythm, In the Barnyard, Let's Sing A Song, Look up Look down, Mole in the Ground, Mr. Rabbit, O Watch the Stars, On a Winter's Day, Pretty Butterfly, Silent Glowing, Spring Song, The Grow Song
...and over 20 more!

Single songs can be purchased as standalone MP3 backing tracks ($20) or together with sheet music
(in "leadsheet" format: melody, chords lyrics) for $25.
Leadsheets (without backing track) are available for $10.

All the Animals (Gmaj)
All the Pretty Little Horses (Am)
The Glory of the Turning Trees (Dmaj)
Il Neige (Amaj)
Satie's Snowflakes
Beautiful Day (Drop "E")
The Bubbles waltz (Gmaj - CAPO 3)
Buck buck
Fall Creatures
5 Little Bunnies (Emaj – "drop E")
The Grow Song
I Like the Rhythm
In the Barnyard
In the Garden
It’s a beautiful day
I went for a ride on a horsey once
I wish I was a mole in the ground
Johnny Brown
Let the Rain Fall Down
Let’s Sing A Song
Little bird
Little turkey in the barnyard
Look Up Look Down
Mamma Don’t Allow
Mole in the Ground
Monter Sur un Éléphant
O Watch the Stars
On A Winter’s Day
Pretty Butterfly
Raccoon’s Got A Bushy Tail
Rest Your Head
Shady Grove
Shake your shakers
Silent Glowing
Skating on a winter’s day
Sleep now
Spring Song
Waiting for the moon